Thursday, June 5, 2014

Skincare Essentials

Today's post is all about the basics of skincare/ skincare essentials. I have just recently completed studying skincare, so if you have any further questions after this post let me know.
I'll first start out by saying is you don't need to fork out a lot of money to get some good quality skin care. 
Let's begin.

Cleaning your face
Cleaning your face is one of the most important if not the most important part of your skincare routine and you should do this everyday. Cleaning or cleansing your face doesn't just get off your make-up it washes of build up and excess oils.
The first and most convenient way to 'wash' it off is the good old cleansing wipes.
  Cleansing wipes are the easiest way to clean off your makeup, whip one out and wipe away. Although you have to remember these won't remove everything! Which leads me onto the topic of Cleansers.
Cleansers will work to get off everything that the cleansing wipes missed, meaning left over makeup and excess oils. Cleansers are a bit more time consuming but it's quick once you get the hang of it. Put some in your hands, add water, lather it up and massage into your face. If that's too much, there are ones you places a few drops on a cotton round and wipe away!

 Now you might be thinking 'These remove the dirt and oils! What about my rough skin?'
So I'll move on to Exfoliators!

Exfoliation is only needed 1-3 times a week. Too much exfoliation or using an exfoliator that's too harsh will damage your skin. 
There are two types of exfoliants, Physical and Chemical. 
Physical is the most common, they are the grainy one to have to rub into your face and that's where they get their name. Chemical on the other hand works by itself. This may sound scarey at first, but these are actually suited for sensitive skins because it doesn't include harsh rubbing on your skin.
 Now your skin might be feeling a bit dry and tight? Which leads me on to Hydration!
Hydrating your skin is also another important part of your skincare routine. You can find moisture from Masques especially formulated to  boost hydration and freshen up your skin which are my personal favorites. You should only be doing a masque 1-3 times a week. 
Apply a good layer, leave it on for the required time and wipe off and your skin is feeling refreshed. 
Which then leads me onto Spray Toners, I won't go into much detail about these. But they are an awesome way to freshen up your skin throughout the day.
But the most important way of hydration is finding an amazing moisturizer. I also won't go into much detail about moisturizers because I'm sure everyone already knows what is it.
But be sure you choose one suited to your skin type, if you have normal to oily skin DO NOT use one that is formulated for Dry to Very Dry skins. 
Another thing you need to moisturize is your lips! Applying lip balm and treatments are super important to maintain soft lips! 
Okay maybe you don't need a lot of moisture and want to focus on reducing some of that oil? 

Along with hydration masque there are a ones suited for drawing out that moisture in your skin, for example mud or clay masks. Also again with these apply them 1-3 times a week.
You can also get toner that will actually dry up your skin, although you apply drop of this to a cotton round and apply all over your face. The alcohol in these products will dry up your skin so don't use these if your have very dry skin.

 What about that eye area?
Keep good care of your eye and eye area! This is so important because this area is so delicate!
I will firstly say to get a cleanser/ makeup remover specifically for your eyes. Do not go placing any sort of cleanser to remove your mascara, because that can irritate your eyes.
Also when you are removing makeup around and on your eyes be very gentle, the skin is as thin as paper and damaging that area can cause pre mature aging.
Which leads me onto eye cream, these are also important to stop the skin around your eyes from pre mature aging. They also help reduce puffiness too.
My personal favorite are tinted/ brightening ones which counteract your undereye circles and make you look more awake.

 Water and Healthy Diet
Drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet is so important to achieve amazing skin. I think a lot of people forget that it's not all external factors, but it's also internal too.
Smoking, a bad diet and drugs will only effect your skin in a bad way.  Along with external factors like pollution and THE SUN which lead me on to say you should be wearing sunscreen everyday or making sure your foundation or moisturize includes SPF

And that concludes my Skincare Basics/ Skincare Essentials!
I really hope I have helped you and that you have learned something new reading this post. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me though email on

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